
Breaking The Myths Of CBD Pre Rolls

CBD Pre Rolls

There is a lot of stigma going around the CBD community in recent years. Many seem to speculate on the idea that Cannabidiol from Hemp is marijuana for example, when in fact, that assumption is false. CBD from Hemp and Marijuana have distinct differences, so check this out to read more about them. Because of its relation to the Schedule 1 drug, it has taken the brunt of the unfounded theories and has long been misunderstood by the public despite its testimonies and scientific successes.

Though it has been publicized and advocated by many as harmless and beneficial, there are still circulating myths all over the country, mostly by folks that need more enlightenment to differentiate facts from misconceptions. This article is made to gather all popular myths and debunk them, all for a wider knowledge and a more accepting public.

Myth #1: CBD Will Get You High

Marijuana vs. Hemp, whats the difference? 

Marijuana is another species of Cannabis, and this one is packed with what you call THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, another active cannabinoid. This causes you to get high when you use and smoke them and is often in conjunction with the rest of the parts of the marijuana plant. This is because of the entourage effect, a synergistic mechanism that betters the effect of THC in the body with the help of other compounds. CBD can be one, among others. 

Compared to that, Cannabidiol is derived from Hemp, which is filled with the substance and has a very low amount of THC. This means products made from those will not get you high unless the manufacturers add THC.

Many people seem to favor it for this purpose, but that doesnt mean medical marijuana is being shunned in favor of CBD. In fact, studies show that some people react differently to Cannabidiol compared to marijuana, and often prefer the former because of its greater effects on the body.

Each of us has our own reaction to various chemicals, such as some of us may feel side-effects from common house drugs like Tylenol while the majority do not. The same can be said with Cannabidiol, as a small minority have claimed they feel altered in some way after ingesting it.

Myth #2 CBD Is Addictive

The short answer is: Most certainly not

According to WHO (World Health Organization), there had been no evidence nor study of anyone having been dependent on it in all its forms. Moreover, what causes the high feeling is THC, which CBD has very little of. Some products even manufacture Cannabidiol products to have no THC content whatsoever, like the CBD pre rolls and other CBD products from reputable online stores. Cannabidiol in and of itself cannot cause dependence or addiction. It can only give relief to symptoms and cause you a feeling of relaxation.

On the contrary, Cannabidiol use has been seen to help people with heroin addiction control their cravings after abstaining. A controlled group that took CBD had shown lesser signs of cravings for the drug after being shown heroin-related videos.

Myth #3: CBD Can Cure Everything/Has No Evidence For Medical Use

This myth-buster is not just all pro-Cannabidiol. Yes, it may have a lot of testimonies, but it isnt some miracle drug some people seem to think of it as. Cannabidiol cannot cure all diseases. Given that there are studies shown to have relieved symptoms of nausea from chemotherapy or lessen inflammation from arthritis, it still does not stand as a cure-all for them only a comfort measure.

On the other hand, it is not useless or a hoax either. CBD has undergone many studies and has been proved to have inflammatory effects, alleviation of complex motor disabilities (Epilepsy, for example), and relieving anxiety. As Evidence, this site: https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/medicinal-benefits-of-cbd/64896/ had mentioned that a study found a decrease of 79% anxiety of an individual taking Cannabidiol. A week after the intervention, studies concluded the therapeutic effects are still there.

Myth #4: The More CBD, The Better

People tend to think that intaking a substance in higher quantities inside the body will also make a difference in its effects. Sadly (and perhaps, fortunately) it isnt the case with Cannabidiol in all forms. Though CBD cannot cause an overdose, theres also no study to back-up the claim that it works better, so theres no good reason for you to go over the prescribed dose.

Have you changed your mind about Cannabidiol after reading this? Though be warned if you choose to enlighten other people as well, as your knowledge and information wont be warmly accepted by everyone.