
How to save money redesigning your garden

Men Redesigning His Garden Creating Circle Around Pear Tree

Whether youre looking to spruce up your outdoor area or fully redesign your garden, we can help you achieve your desired look on a budget. Help transform your garden into an outdoor oasis with the help of our top tips.

Planting in borders

Low-maintenance perennials can create a stunning effect on a budget. Similarly, they can add an injection of color to your garden that can make it look almost tropical in the sunshine. As long as you buy low-maintenance flowers, youll never have to worry too much about upkeep, either. Plus, theyre much cheaper than planting trees or plants like azaleas, which are beautiful to look at but much more difficult to maintain.

Scour the internet for bargains

The internet is awash with bargains for your garden, so shop around before you purchase and make sure youre paying the cheapest possible price. By buying your garden furniture online, youll avoid paying a premium and you can even have your items delivered to your doorway. As an added bonus, everything is available in one place, so theres no need to endlessly drive around searching for stock.

Paint fences and sheds

Fences, sheds and decking can get damaged by the weather over time, and if you fail to properly protect them, they could become an eyesore. But, by regularly repainting them, youll be able to make every furnishing in your garden look fresh and modern. A couple of tins of paint cost next to nothing and you can probably paint everything in just half a day. If you can, choose a natural color and paint everything to match, as this will help create a color scheme.

If you fancy being even bolder, then transform the interior of your shed while youre redesigning, too.

Design in straight lines

Curved and circular patterns may look sleek and modern, but theyre incredibly costly to design and build. As a result, if youre looking to add a pathway or a patio to your outdoor area, youre far better off designing in straight lines. Garden materials are often designed for simple spaces and adding angles or curves creates wastage. Overall, curved designs will cost you significantly more for both parts and labor.

Add lighting for a luxe feel

If you like sitting out in the garden during the evening, carefully selected lighting can help you create a luxurious feel on a budget. Security lights are often bright, sterile and can draw too much attention to your garden. So, instead look for wall-mounted lights and solar lights you can add to your lawn. These are often slightly dimmer and warmer in the light they provide. This means they create a relaxing atmosphere thats perfect for sitting out and enjoying the last of the sun with a glass of wine.

Use fire to create a feature

If youd like to extend your garden use into spring and autumn, then the addition of a fire pit or a chiminea is perfect. Most are available cheaply and they look perfect on a patio area. The heat they kick out is both warming and comforting, so its easy to sit under your blanket by the fire and enjoy the warm air. Plus, even though theyre only cheap, theyre also beautifully designed and can add to the aesthetic of your garden as a design piece. If you like, you can add some outdoor fire tables for your backyard garden as well.

Alternatively, if you can be tempted to splurge a little for a finishing touch, consider a patio heater instead. These are great for gatherings and barely require any maintenance. However, you are looking at about double the cost.

By following our garden redesign tips, you can transform your garden without spending a fortune. By spending a little bit of cash, youll create a space you absolutely love.