
5 Examples of Physiotherapy


Physiotherapy can benefit anyone suffering from a loss in movement and muscle functionality. This practice looks at the body and how general well-being can help improve everyday activities. 

Physiotherapy includes a wide range of treatments and exercises that work to help reduce pain and resistance involved with natural movement. NDIS physiotherapists work with their patients to help restore areas of motion and facilitate natural healing. Keep reading to see how this is done. 

Therapeutic Ultrasound

Ultrasound frequencies can target damaged tissues in the body to offer a sort of mini massage. Therapeutic ultrasounds focus on a localized area of inflammation and administer a frequency of 0.5 – 3 MHz to help relieve pain, improve blood flow, and induce healing at the cellular level. 

Cryotherapy & Heat Therapy

Stiff muscles can directly affect a person’s ability to move comfortably. Applying heat or ice can help alleviate tight muscles and restore a person’s full range of motion. This type of therapy can look like applying ice packs, nitrogen sprays, or infrared heat to the affected areas. 


Electrotherapy is performed by attaching electrodes to the skin in the areas affected by a limited range of motion. In this type of therapy, a small current of electricity is placed on the muscles which can relieve pain in the affected area. 

Range of Motion Exercises

Long periods of immobility can prevent a person from being able to use their muscles effectively. As a result, range of motion (ROM) exercises are used to help a person move the affected joints and muscles to help with circulation and encourage movement. These exercises can include flexing the muscles in the ankles, legs, arms, feet, wrists, or hands. 

Soft Tissue Mobilization

This type of treatment resembles a therapeutic massage. A physiotherapist will help relax tight muscles around inflamed joints to help with blood flow, swelling, and pain around the injured area. 

How Physiotherapy Can Help

Physiotherapy with NDIS works with a person’s unique needs to deliver the best methods of treatment and preventative care. If you know someone who can benefit from physiotherapy and require assistance from the NDIS, providers are waiting for you!