
Top Leather Handbags Care Tips and Tricks

Hands of male leatherworker holding piece of leather with zipper by machine

Leather handbags exude class. They show style. They are all about durability. Of course, leather handbags tend to cost more. However, if you purchase high-quality leather bags from the Bag Academy, you can be sure of the durability. Plus, proper care of leather handbags can help keep them on top shape for years to come. Remember, leather can be prone to cracking and drying. Even more, excessive moisture can lead to mildew and swelling of the skin. So, if you want that leather handbag of yours to serve you for years, take good care of it. Here is how to care for your guide.

Items You Need

For proper care for your leather bag, you need a leather cleaner, bubble wrap, tissue paper, and suede brush. You will also need to purchase a good leather conditioner, dust bag, soft cotton cloth, as well as a white chalk powder

Leather Handbags Care

Handle leather handbags with clean hands. Leather bags absorb grease and oils. So, always handle them with clean hands. Wipe the surface with a damp cotton cloth, but dont use excess water as it might take a lot of time to dry.

Then apply a cleaner thats specifically made for leather. While doing this, always use a circular motion and wipe it off using a slightly damp cloth in order to avoid clogging the pore of the fabric. Do this two times every year and your leather handbag will always remain clean and classy.

Moisturize the Leather Bags 

Once your leather handbag is spotlessly clean, go ahead and moisturize it using a leather conditioner. This will keep it fresh and supple. But for patent leather purses, avoid using a conditioner.

Storing Unused Leather Bag

Store your unused purse or handbag in a natural-fabric pillowcase. Wrap the chrome plus metallic parts, such as the chain handles, in clean and acid-free tissue paper. And if youve just cleaned your bags, allow them to dry completely before storage. Ease open the buckles as well as the straps so that all impressions are released. Plus this helps prevent the formation of rubbing and permanent creases.


For brushed and finished leather, consider utilizing the leather-specific protective spray. Test this product first on a small area to see if the finish darkens. Always keep your cosmetic items inside a pouch. Cap everything that leaks and get a small pencil case to keep small accessories from spilling or even damaging the fabric.

As time goes by, white and yellow bags will naturally darken. So, avoid cleaning them with alcohol, turpentine, or any other mineral spirits as they might discolor and completely dry out leather.

Always take care of your special bag, especially when youre at then air salon. Keep it away from coloring agents, hair sprays, as well as other hair products. Silicone products and waxes can clog up leather pores and might render your bag impossible to clean in the near future.

The Bottom-Line

If you love your leather bag, take good care of it. From proper cleaning to maintaining the skin, proper leather care is important. The above guide is all you need to take care of your leather bag and keep it on top shape for years.