
How the World of Online Entertainment Has Changed in 2020

Online Entertainment

Many things have changed in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, but we are slowly adapting and making some changes in our lives as a result. Everything just slowed down one notch thus putting us in a kind of hibernation state for a while. This doesnt mean that we shouldnt be having fun, because fun is essential for our well-being, especially in times like these. Every kind of entertainment you can imagine has suffered as a result of social distancing rules. Its bad news for moviemakers, DJs, and performance artists, but one group of folks thrive in these new social conditions.

Online Streaming Entertainment Boom

Since the beginning of a lockdown, we are spending more time looking for ways to have fun on our computers or mobile devices. Our social media platforms and forums have become new gathering places that replaced bars, pubs, or coffee shops. It is absolutely obvious that video streaming has taken over the movie industry, but things were going in that direction even before this pandemic. The lockdown just speeded up this process, since film production is on a halt. Big Players like Netflix sensed this opportunity to give the old school one fatal blow by offering a free subscription and other special gifts. 

This whole world is now obsessed with new shows that keep getting better in terms of visual quality and production values. Some even say that classic movie theaters are officially extinct and that no one will care for big movie premiers anymore. We wouldnt go that far as some films became big hits even with social distancing in effect, but it is clear that video streaming is taking over. After the dust settles, there will still be some bunch of moviegoers that enjoy that classic theatre experience as a form of social gathering. Besides them, there will always be a new generation of youngsters that sees kinos as some relic from the past to be embraced and explored.

Music Business Adapts

When the music industry is having a rough time then you know something is wrong with the worlds economy. This is one money-making machine that has taken the full impact of this corona lockdown. There are no more shows, traditional festivals, or concerts to visit so we are looking forward to one big party when this virus goes away. Until then, singers or pop bands will have to find another source of income, or try to sell their new albums online. Indeed, online album sales have tripled ever since the coronavirus pandemic emerged, but jamming in your bedroom will never replace concert spectacles. 

People just cant live without music. It is in our hearts, in our genes, and we just love rhythm and dancing which brings us close together. That is why we are not worried about the music industry in general, as they will quickly bounce back. What we are worried about is a proliferation of copyrights infringements, since all musical content went online overnight. It is hard to deal with this problem since there is no mechanism to control millions of users downloading pirated content. Ironically, this opens a new niche for cybersecurity entrepreneurs, which in turn gives a boost to a slowed down economic activity.

It Is Good Time To Be A Youtuber

These are strange times, but one group of bold entrepreneurs is on a rise and is doing pretty good. Youtubers, influencers, and online gaming communities are taking over the Internet. This is understandable since people are craving for entertainment and are looking for a substitute for TV or movie theaters. If you have good ideas, creativity, and a good camera, this is the time to start your crash course or cooking video channel. We are witnessing so much new original web content, so maybe that is one good thing that came out of this coronavirus pandemic. 

Another great thing that came is the rise of the online casino business, and we are talking about a revolution here. Traditional casinos are in lockdown, so online gaming is taking over. It is still hard to find a solid online casino, but we can help you with that. Trust our honest review articles to find yourself a good spot to enjoy your game, like a rising star Bit Casino, that we thoroughly enjoyed. Gambling is a great pastime during social distancing, so do not miss an opportunity to have some fun, even in strange times like these. If there is anything we could use right now, it is more quality online casinos out there.

New Surprises To Come

One thing is for sure, the world of online entertainment never stops to bring more surprises and innovations. We are looking forward to new virtual reality gadgets that will change our perception of reality. Maybe this form of artificial intelligence will be a final blow to traditional forms of entertainment, but only time will tell. That is a scary thought, that altered reality will become predominant in our lives, but if it’s for the sake of fun, it cant be a bad thing. People just need a little break sometimes, and virtual reality might be the new big thing in this entertainment business.

Take your pick, but remember to cherish these precious moments when we are brought together, even by some deadly virus. Maybe this situation will teach us that even in times like these, we need to stay positive and enjoy our life. This coronavirus pandemic will be over soon, but until then use every moment to enjoy everything that our online entertainment industry has to offer.