
Common scenarios of SEO Website Analytics


When it comes to ensuring that what is written is up to par from a search engine optimization point of view, we will be able to see, that this means a different approach from traditional content marketing to a more targeted content marketing approach like that of Automotive Marketing for car dealerships and the rest of the automotive community. Whereas the two are deemed to work in strong cohesion to ensure the success rate of a document or text is high, there are other aspects which need to be taken into consideration.

Analysis of the present content:

Most clients who get in touch with a top search engine optimization company KC already have their own website and in many cases they are perfectly happy with how it looks and what it represents. In many cases however the present informations quality is far from the desired. Why can this be? Its because an optimization expert would regard text in a very different way compared to the average site visitor.


The most common scenarios:

  • No keywords:

The business doesnt understand why they dont rank despite having plenty of content. This is when a website has plenty of text or other sorts of informative documentation on their pages but they are not optimized for any keywords. They are just lost in space. There could be dozens of keywords but as nothing is structured, the crawlers will have no chance to find these. This means that the page often lacks normal title tags as well, which means that a complete restructuring and a full on keyword optimizing process is needed to reposition everything.

Also see how to succeed with a seo business in 2021.

  • Quantity issues:

In this other scenario the website doesnt have enough info to justify ranking at all. These are the websites which have one two pages only.

Crawlers are programmed for the detection of two key factors when it comes to site indexing:

  • Does the site have any meaningful documentation mirroring the specific keyword?
  • Is the text enough in quantity for robots to regard it as meaningful or authoritative information on the topic?

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Therefore its important to have plenty of information on a website. The good side of this is, that most digital companies can help with copywriting services, offering high profile optimized document, the other is, that the more the quantity the higher the number of keywords a company can score for. Therefore its a double win situation if it will get fixed by a real pro.

  • Duplicates and copies

Crawlers will know if they have seen the same thing written elsewhere, whether its on the same website (duplicate) or on a different URL (copy) and therefore they wont continue with the indexing. Worst-case scenario: they report it back to their database and Google will penalize the clients website for it. Therefore its essential to make sure all written is unique on the website. Another aspect of ranking comes from PBN and one of the fine performers in this industry are t-ranks.com, which provide quality linkbacks are afforable pricing.

As you can see written information is essential not only in terms of quality but also in terms of structuring and quantity. If you want to make sure your content is good for the keywords you go for, make sure you check with a high profile search engine optimization company KC and marketing company to see if it can or should be improved in any ways