
The Convenience of Sports Betting

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Anyone who is old enough to have been placing bets on sport for the past two decades will have seen a huge change in the industry.

Go back to the start and you had to travel if you wanted to place a bet, with local betting shops and offices being available to use. We have seen telephone betting make a brief appearance to make things more convenient but the move online is where things have really taken off. Risk free bets such as theFootball index sign up offerhave made online bookmakers even more popular.

This started with the ability to bet at home online via a desktop computer. Things have now taken another step up with the creation of mobile betting apps. This has moved sports betting in the right direction, and it is now as convenient as it has ever been to place any bet on sports you want.

Mobile Betting Apps

A mobile betting app is something that many bookmakers have in place for their customers. The biggest bookmakers such as those on popular websites like FreeBets.co.uk have had apps available for many years and during that period they have been fine tuned to create something that is perfect for betting on.

Extras such as the in play betting section, live streaming and the ability to completely manage your betting account while away from home have all been added to apps over the last decade.

They are now at a point where even when you are at home, it is often quicker and more convenient to bet on your phone rather than turning on the computer. The service on both is the same so you are not missing out on anything by doing this.

The Benefits for Gamblers

There is a long list of benefits for gamblers when it comes to mobile betting. The biggest of these is the ability to bet from anywhere, whether you are at the office or planning to travel during the summer, you know that you can take your bookmaker with you.

All you need for this is your phone, which we all carry with us everywhere we go and a stable connection to the internet. Many people now have mobile phone contracts that include data allowances, so this is also not a problem for the majority of people.

Another benefit is that you wont ever miss a bet because you are away from home. Those that bet on live events while the action is taking place can not always be in a position to place bets. This is especially the case for people who bet on events that take a long time, such as a four-day PGA Tour event.

With a mobile app, you can place your bets and not miss out.

What Could Happen Next?

The simple answer here is probably not too much. We have seen a huge push with great development surrounding mobile apps, so much so that they have probably reached their peak.

The only type of technology that hasnt yet been used by the betting industry is voice-recognition software. This is something that may be added in the future, especially as devices such as the Alexa device become more and more popular.

While betting through the devices may not be allowed to happen, using the same software and building it into a mobile app is possible. This would allow gamblers to open up their app and then speak the details of the bet to it, rather than searching the app for each individual selection you want to bet on.

This would have advantages for those who place multiple bets across a number of sports and certainly something that could appear in the coming years.