
Treatment of Bronchial Asthma with Stem Cells


What is bronchial asthma and its causes

How is bronchial asthma diagnosed?

Typical signs of the disease

What tests are used to diagnose asthma?

How to treat bronchial asthma

  1. Pharmacological (drug-based) approach
  2. Non-pharmacological approach
  3. Treatment of bronchial asthma with stem cell therapy


Bronchial asthma is simply another phrase for asthma that is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Asthma can develop in children and adults, and there is no permanent cure. However, some natural remedies are used to manage the condition aside from the drug-based method, and one of such remedies is stem cell therapy. In this article, we’re looking into asthma, how it manifests in the body, its signs, and how it can be treated. Let’s get started!

 What is bronchial asthma and its causes

Asthma is a chronic health condition in which the bronchial tubes that transport air from your windpipe to your lungs get inflamed and irritable. In addition,  the secretion in these tubes also gets thicker than usual, and the tubes get narrower. Due to these biological changes, a person with asthma finds it hard to breathe out or take in air.

The CDC reports that over 25 million US citizens are affected by asthma. This disease might not manifest in childhood but may later surface in adulthood. In essence, asthma can manifest at any point in time, and its onset results from a combination of several factors.

A person with a history of asthma in the family line is likely to have it. At other times, asthma can be caused by allergens such as mold or dust mites or specific triggers in the workplace such as smoke, cold temperatures, dry air, air pollution, and so on.

How is bronchial asthma diagnosed?

Before we delve into how medical professionals diagnose bronchial asthma, let’s look at the typical signs of the disease that are common in patients with this medical condition.

Typical signs of the disease

Asthma attacks occur quickly and come with very notable signs and symptoms, including:

  • wheezing, produced as a result of the difficulty in breathing;
  • coughing, especially in the early morning or night;
  • chest pain or tightness in the chest;
  • thickened mucus secretion in the airways/bronchial tubes;
  • experiencing shortness of breath after performing some form of physical activity;
  • difficulty sleeping, especially in cold weather;
  • delay in recuperating from a respiratory infection, such as cold.

 It’s important to note that not all these symptoms will present themselves simultaneously. People with the disease can experience these symptoms at different times, and the severity of asthma attacks differs across individuals.

What tests are used to diagnose asthma?

A doctor diagnoses asthma by assessing the results from a number of tests. These include:

  1. Spirometry: the test is used to assess your lung function by determining how fast you blow out air and what quantity.
  2. Peak flow monitoring: peak flow meter is a simple device used to measure how much air can be pushed out from your lungs. You can use it at home to monitor your asthma condition over time.
  3. Chest X-rays: chest x-rays are done to see if there are other respiratory conditions aside from asthma. The x-rays beam passing through your lungs and internal organs can be used to detect if there are other disease conditions present.
  4. Allergy tests: these are used to identify allergens or triggers that cause asthma attacks. When an allergen or trigger (or several) is identified, the patient will have to get rid of them and get treatment when needed.

 Aside from the tests, the doctor will ask about your symptoms and review your medical records before a proper diagnosis is made.

How to treat bronchial asthma

There are different approaches to treating asthma.

  1. Pharmacological (drug-based) approach

A pharmacological approach to treating asthma involves using medications for managing asthmatic symptoms.

 For example, bronchodilators widen the narrowed airway, thus relieving wheezing and difficulty in breathing.  Inhaled corticosteroids like Fluticasone help reduce swelling and the thickening of mucus, and it is prescribed as a long-term treatment.

 Other medication categories for treating asthma include long and short-acting beta-agonists like Ventolin and Leukotriene modifiers like Montelukast.

  1. Non-pharmacological approach

These include treatment approaches that are not based on drugs, and these are:

  • Breathing exercises for persons with asthma
  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture
  • Asthma diet
  • Biofeedback
  • Stem cell therapy

Talk to your doctor before trying any of the above treatment approaches.

Treatment of bronchial asthma with stem cell therapy

The basis of stem cell therapy for asthma lies in the ability of stem cells to stimulate the immune system. The efficacy of stem cell therapy for asthma is seen in the regeneration of affected  lung tissue, ultimately leading to a drop in the frequency of asthma attacks and amelioration of the disease.

Stem cell therapy for people with asthma is beneficial in helping them improve resistance to colds and respiratory diseases. It also decreases the body’s sensitivity to allergens, reducing the frequency of triggers for asthma attacks.

The cost of stem cell therapy for asthma depends on the stem cell therapy center you approach for treatment.


Bronchial asthma can affect anyone at any age. It’s not curable but can be managed effectively. Asthma presents itself as a difficulty in breathing coupled with wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and some other symptoms. It can be diagnosed through various tests and managed with some medications. However, there are non-drug-based therapies like stem cell therapy that can improve the health of people with asthma and make them less prone to asthma attacks.