
Are You Missing Out on These Essential Health Checks? A Woman’s Guide to Overlooked Health Areas

Women health

Women often juggle numerous priorities when it comes to health. From their own needs to family care, it’s easier to forget their own health needs. Career and family get put first, while their health needs might fall by the wayside. Let’s uncover six vital areas of health that women often miss and provide guidance on how to address them effectively. 

Mental Health Tune-ups

While it’s common knowledge that mental health is crucial, many women might not give it the attention it deserves until symptoms become unmanageable. Regular mental health check-ups can be as important as physical exams. Anxiety, depression, and stress can creep up subtly and may manifest physically, making it all the more important to recognize early signs. 

Women should consider scheduling annual appointments with a mental health professional to discuss stress levels, life changes, or emotional concerns. This proactive approach ensures that mental health is preserved and maintained, not just sought out in crisis.

Bone Health After 30

As women enter their thirties, maintaining bone density should move higher on their health checklist. Bone health is vital, yet often it doesn’t receive the spotlight until menopause approaches or an injury occurs. Calcium and vitamin D are well-known allies in the fight against osteoporosis, but lifestyle choices such as exercise specifically targeting bone strength—like weight-bearing and resistance workouts—are equally crucial. Women should discuss their bone density with their healthcare provider and consider getting a baseline scan. Regular bone screenings and nutrient testing can help detect early signs of bone density issues, allowing for timely interventions.

Thyroid Functionality Check

The thyroid gland may be small, but its impact on the body is mighty, regulating metabolism, energy, and overall hormonal balance. Thyroid issues can masquerade as other problems like fatigue, stubborn weight that won’t go away, or even mood disturbances, making them easy to overlook. Women should ask for a thyroid function test during routine checkups, especially if they experience symptoms that don’t have an apparent cause. Early detection of thyroid imbalances can significantly improve quality of life and ultimately prevent further health complications.

Prioritizing Sexual Health and Finding Testing Online

Navigating sexual health can sometimes be awkward, leading many women to neglect this vital area. Regular screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) should be an integral part of every woman’s health routine. The good news is that many of these tests can now be accessed online. Many companies provide a discreet and simple option for those who might feel uncomfortable visiting a clinic. 

Websites offering lab tests for everything from HIV to HPV allow individuals to order tests, visit a local lab for sample collection, and receive results privately via email or a password-protected online website. In addition, addressing common issues such as bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections often begins with recognizing the symptoms early. These days you can even get BV and yeast infection treatment online, ensuring that help is available at the first sign of discomfort without the need for an in-person doctor’s visit.

Heart Health Beyond the Male Model

Heart disease is a leading cause of death for women worldwide, yet its symptoms are often misunderstood because early research focused predominantly on men. Women may experience different heart attack symptoms, such as nausea, shortness of breath, or jaw pain, which are less commonly associated with heart attacks as portrayed in media and literature. 

Therefore, it’s crucial for women to discuss heart health specifically with their healthcare providers. Factors such as family history, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure should be regularly monitored. Encouragingly, lifestyle interventions like diet changes, regular exercise, and smoking cessation play significant roles in prevention.

The Overlooked Risk of Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases strike women significantly more often than men, and the reasons are still not fully understood. Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis may present subtle symptoms initially, such as mild joint pain, fatigue, or unexplained fevers, which can be easy to dismiss as merely the results of a busy lifestyle. 

Early recognition of autoimmune conditions and intervention are key to managing these conditions effectively. Women should be aware of their body’s signals and discuss any persistent, unexplained symptoms with their doctor. Getting tested for autoimmune disorders if symptoms persist can make a huge difference in managing health outcomes.

The journey to complete health involves more than the eye can see. For women, understanding and keeping track of these often-overlooked health areas can lead to better health outcomes and a more fulfilling life. By taking proactive steps to monitor and address various aspects of health, women can ensure they are caring for their bodies comprehensively. Remember, your health is your wealth, and taking the time to invest in all areas of your wellness is the best gift you can give to yourself.