
How to Improve Your Sex Life: 5 Kinky Tips

Sex life

Has your sex life hit a rut? Maybe you and your partner don’t have time or, you’re too tired at the end of a long day. Experts say the average couple has sex once a week. Although, this depends on a variety of factors, age being one of them.

But even if you are having sex, maybe it is not the best. In that case, keep reading for five tips on how to improve your sex life.

1. Get Intimate with Yourself

If you are feeling confident and sexy your partner will sense that too. If you need that confidence boost try doing something where you can get to know your body better.

Yoga, meditation, and, dance classes are excellent ways to get moving and start feeling comfortable and confident in your body again.load-image.jpg

2. Make Sex a Priority

Once you get into routines, it can be difficult to make sex a priority. When you are young lack obligations, spontaneous carefree sex may be more of the norm.

It is okay and good to plan to have sex when you have many obligations. Making sex a priority rather than a spontaneous event will ensure you have time to meet each other’s needs.

3. Try Masturbating with your Partner

Masturbating together is a great way for how to spice things up in the bedroom. Masturbating may be something that you each do on your own anyway, so why not try it together?

Watching each other masturbate will likely turn you both on and can be fun to resist touching each other.

If you are looking to bring some more fun into the bedroom, try masturbating with THC intimate oil to elevate the experience for you and your partner.

4. Watch Porn Together

Another kinky tip is to try watching porn with your partner. You can find watch something that they like or, you could find something you both enjoy.

This is another activity that couples may do separately, but it can make you feel closer by sharing such an intimate experience.

You may even point out things that you like or didn’t like, and by the end, you won’t be able to keep your hands off each other.

5. Talk About What You Like

Often sexual desires can feel shameful or difficult to express. By creating an open, non-judgemental space with your partner, you can begin to counter this feeling.

Talking about what you like sexually without judgment is a great step to improving your sex life. This doesn’t just have to be a conversation before or after sex, tell them what you like while it’s happening, or lead them to what feels best.

How to Improve your Sex Life- Ready to start?

When it comes to how to improve your sex life, it starts with you and your partner expressing your needs and desires. Communication is essential to any healthy relationship and, that extends to the bedroom too.

Get creative with spicing things up and, you will be back in a rhythm in no time.

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