
Mobile Solution for Planning and Managing Effective Retail Visits C?ndu?t?ng R?t??l Aud?t? D?m?nd? Qu?t? a B?t ?f ?ompany’s r???ur???.


R?gul?r r?t??l ?ud?t? ?nv?lv? a l?t ?f ????l?, l???t??n? ?nd r???rt?ng, ?nd this tr?n?l?t??

?nt? a ??n??d?r?bl? ?m?unt ?f fu?l ?nd ????r b??ng u??d.

But h?w ??n ??m??n??? ?n?r???? ?ff????n?? ?f r?t??l ?ud?t?, ??n??d?r?ng th?t, wh?n ?t ??m?? t? th? ?m???t ?n ??l?? numb?r?, m?rk?t?ng ?nd ??l?? ?t?mul?t??n ??t?v?t??? ?r? ?? ?m??rt?nt ?? th? ?ttr?but?? ?f th? ?r?du?t b??ng ??ld?

Th?? ??n ?t?rt b? ?d??t?ng ?n ?ff??t?v? r?t??l ?ud?t ??ftw?r? ??lut??n, th?t w?ll ?ll?w f??ld ?ud?t t??m? t? ??rf?rm d?t? ??ll??t??n ??t?v?t??? ?n th??r ?m?rt?h?n?? ?r t?bl?t?, v?rtu?ll? ?l?m?n?t?ng th? u?? ?f ????r, r?du??ng fu?l ?x??n???, ?nd ?utt?ng t? z?r? data ?t?r?g? ???t?.

T?d?? th?r? ?? gr??t v?r??t? ?f r?t??l ?ud?t ??ftw?r? ??lut??n? ?n th? m?rk?t, wh??h m?k?? d?ff??ult t? ?h???? a ??ftw?r? th?t ?? r?ght f?r ??ur ??m??n?. T? m?k? retail ?ud?t? ???t-?ff??t?v? ?nd ?n?r???? ??ur f??ld t??m ?r?du?t?v?t?, l??k f?r ??ftw?r? th?t ?r?v?d?? th? f?ll?w?ng f??tur??:

  1. R?ut? ??t?m?z?t??n t? r?du?? tr?v?l d??t?n??? ?nd t?m?
  2. Fr?? Cl?ud d?t? ?t?r?g? t? ?r?v?d? ?????? t? ??r??r?t? d?t?b??? fr?m ?n?wh?r? 24/7
  3. Offl?n? ?nd ?nl?n? u??, ?? m?b?l? u??r? ??n work ?v?n wh?n w?th?ut ?n Int?rn?t ??nn??t??n, ?nd n?t r???ur?? t? ????r ?lt?rn?t?v??
  4. BYOD (Bring-your-own-device) ??m??t?b?l?t?, ?? th?r? ?? n? n??d t? ?ur?h??? ?dd?t??n?l h?rdw?r?.



R??urr?ng r?t??l ?ud?t? – ?r f?ll?w-u??, ?? th?? ?r? ?l?? ??ll?d ?n th? ?ndu?tr? – ?r? th? backbone ?f CPG (??n?um?r ?r?du?t Goods) f??ld m?rk?t?ng. F??ld r??? ??rf?rm r?gul?r visits t? ?t?r?? t? v?r?f? wh?th?r th??r ????gn?d ?r?du?t? ?r? ?n-?t??k, ?r? b??ng d???l???d according t? th? ??t?g?r? planogram, ?r ?r? ???r??r??t?l? ?r???d, f?r ?n?t?n??.

M?b?l? r?t??l ?ud?t? h?v? r?v?lut??n?z?d th? ?ndu?tr?. B?f?r? f??ld r??? had t? u?? th? tr?d?t??n?l ?l??b??rd ?nd ??rr? mounds ?f ????r ?r?und, th?n transcribe the ?nf?rm?t??n onto a ??m?ut?r. W?th m?b?l? r?t??l ?ud?t?, r??? ??n ??rf?rm th??r ????gn?d t??k? ?n th??r ?m?rt?h?n?? ?nd t?bl?t?, ??v?ng a tr?m?nd?u? ?m?unt ?f t?m? ?nd ????r.

H?w?v?r, to full? fulf?ll th? n??d? ?f f??ld marketing t??m?, m?b?l? r?t??l ?ud?t ??lut??n mu?t b? ?bl? t?:

  1. Pr?v?d? planning ?nd ??h?dul?ng capabilities th?t ?ll?w f?r change ?f ?l?n?, ??m?l?r t? r?? ??v?r?ng ?n?th?r? t?rr?t?r? f?r th? ??r??d ?f v???t??n?, f?r ?n?t?n??.
  2. C??tur? n?t ?nl? ?l?h?num?r?? ?n?w?r? but ?l?? ?h?t?? ?nd ??gn?tur?? ?n ?u?t?m?z?bl? v?r??t???.
  3. W?rk ?nl?n? ?nd ?ffl?n?, ?? r??? can ??rf?rm th? m?b?l? r?t??l ?ud?t? ?v?n ?f th?r? ?? n? ??ll ?h?n? ??v?r?g? ?r W?F?.
  4. Tr??k th? l???t??n wh?r? f??ld r??? ??rf?rm?d th??r ????gn?d t??k? t? ?r?v?nt fr?udul?nt ?h??k-?n?.
  5. Notify m?n?g?m?nt and ?th?r ?t?k?h?ld?r? of m?????n-?r?t???l t??k? ?r v???t?, ?u?h ?? wh?n ?n ?ut-?f-?t??k h?? been d?t??t?d ?r a k?? l???t??n has b??n v???t?d.
  6. Pr?v?d? ?n ?n?t?nt ?n?l?t??? t??l th?t ?ll?w? f?r unlimited ??r??d?? r???rt?ng ?n m?b?l? r?t??l ?ud?t?.
  7. W?rk ???ml???l? ??r??? A??l? ?nd Andr??d m?b?l? g?dg?t? ?? field r??? ??n u?? th??r ?x??t?ng ????r?tu?.

On? area that r??r???nt? a g?g?nt?? ?????b?l?t? f?r m?b?l? t? d?l?v?r v?lu? ?? ?n th? ?nt?r??t??n b?tw??n th? r?t??l ?u??l??r ??l?? r??r???nt?t?v? ?nd the ?t?r? ?wn?r. All ??l?? r??? h?v? ?utl?n?d ??l?? ?bj??t?v?? they ?r? r??u?r?d t? m??t wh?th?r m?nthl?, ?u?rt?rl? and/or ?nnu?ll?. T? ?tt??n th??? objectives, th? ??l?? r?? mu?t effectively d?m?n?tr?t? ?nd ?dv??? th? ?wn?r r?g?rd?ng ?t?r? performance ?? ??m??r?d t? d?ff?r?nt ?h??? ??ll?ng th??r ?r?du?t?. The ?b?l?t? f?r th? ??l?? r?? t? v??u?ll? display ?nd r?v??w ??l?? ??rf?rm?n?? m?tr??? dur?ng a r?ut?n? ?t?r? visit ?nd t? ????l? dr?ll-d?wn ?nt? the d?t??l? ?r?und wh? a store ?? n?t ??rf?rm?ng w?ll ?d?nt?f??ng where ?nd h?w the ?t?r? ??n ?m?r?v? ?t? ??l?? ??rf?rm?n???? ??m?l? ?nv?lu?bl? f?r th? ?t?r? ?wn?r.



N?w, ?n? r????n a ?t?r?? ??rf?rm?n?? ?? l?w ??m??r?d t? ?th?r? m?? b? due t? a l??k ?f (?r m?n?m?l) tr??n?ng ?r kn?w-h?w ?n t?rm? ?f ??tt?ng u? product d???l??? ?nd/?r ?r?m?t??n?. Th? d?l?v?r? ?f ?d??u?t?, ?ff??t?v? tr??n?ng ?nd h?w-t? ??nt?nt ?r?und ??tt?ng u? ?r?du?t d???l??? and ?r?m?t?ng ?r?du?t? ??n dr?m?t???ll? b???t a ?t?r?? ??l?? ?f th?t ?r?du?t. F?r ?x?m?l?, a m?b?l? ??lut??n th?t m?? b? v??w?d ?n th? ?t?r? fl??r via ?m?rt?h?n? ?r t?bl?t ?nd wh??h features h?w-t? ???tur?? ?nd videos ?f ?r??t?v? ?????n?l ?r?du?t d???l??? w?uld deliver a h?gh d?gr?? ?f v?lu? f?r a minimal ???t.

Th? following ?r? ??m? ?dd?t??n?l m?b?l? ????rtun?t??? ?d?nt?f??d ?n r???nt r?t??l ?ng?g?m?nt?:

  1. A????t?ng ?n-?t?r? ?u?t?m?r? w?th finding a ?r?du?t ?nd/?r ?rd?r?ng a ?r?du?t th?t? n?t ?v??l?bl? ?n th? ?t?r?.
  2. S?m?l?f??ng th? ?r????? ?f re-ordering ?r?du?t? b? ???nn?ng ?r?du?t ??d?? and/or v??w?ng ?rd?r history.
  3. Pr??????ng ?u?t?m?r ?rd?r? (?.g. ?h?? from ?t?r?) fr?m a m?b?l? d?v??? and ???nn?ng ?r?du?t UPC? ?? th?? ?r? t?k?n fr?m ?nv?nt?r? t? f?ll the ?rd?r.

Th??? ?r? h?w?v?r f?w ?x?m?l?? th?t d?m?n?tr?t? h?w m?b?l? t??hn?l?g? ??n d?l?v?r v?lu? t? suppliers ?nd r?t??l?r?.