
3 Consumer Trends That Canadian Marketing Agencies Should Watch Out For

consumer trends

In this day and age, when new trends seem to emerge almost every fortnight, staying on top of your game can be a challenge. But if they want to remain relevant in their industries and grow, Canadian businesses need to keep an eye out for what consumers want.

Now, the question you may be asking is: how can you differentiate between the fads and the trends that are sure to make an impact?

Here are three of them, the opportunities they present and how to take advantage of them in a way that helps your clients and your business.

1. Health Concerns

Youve probably noticed how popular health-oriented products and services have become. In fact, youre experiencing this firsthand as youve started purchasing more organic, natural foods or got a new gym membership. The truth is that this trend has taken the world by storm, making everyone want to be their healthiest self. Natural beauty products, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and supplements, food for people with dietary restrictions, gyms and personal trainers, sports equipment, are all ways in which the trend manifests itself.

Technology has aligned with the trend, as well. People can now use technology to access health information, use apps for training routines or get that extra motivation they need to achieve their fitness goals and share their progress with their friends on social media. Health monitors, whether theyre phone apps or wearable devices, have also become extremely popular, and the market continues to grow every single year.

So, what can you do about it?

Make sure youre always up to date with the consumers needs and develop strategies that target their latest interests. Collect customer feedback to get a better understanding of what they expect from brands today and how can you integrate your clients products or services into their lives. Dont forget to keep an eye on your competition as well and analyze their marketing strategies carefully.

2.Sharing Products and Services

The sharing economy is still rather new, but its gaining more and more traction among consumers worldwide, and especially in Canada, where businesses like Uber and Airbnb have become increasingly popular.

How does it work?

On the one side, we have the consumers, with real-time demands, such as renting, buying or using resources. On the other side, we have the providers, such as sellers, marketing agency Winnipeg companies, and freelancers that have their independent supply. And in the middle of the two, we have the platforms that connect consumers with providers, acting as a display case, ready to facilitate instantaneous economic operations.

Its clear that the world is evolving much too fast for some companies to decide on a business model and stick to it until the end. One solution to stay up to date with the industry would be to remain flexible. Not adapting means not being relevant, which is pretty much the end of the road. Keep up with industry trends, and be wary of the signals that indicate you should review your business model. But be careful change is only good if its well thought-out first!

3. The Mobile Revolution

Its no secret that we spend a great deal of our time on our mobile devices. In fact, most people claim that they feel naked if they leave their homes without their mobile devices.

People are becoming more and more digitally savvy, and as a result, their expectations are constantly growing. They want faster, more powerful, and of course, better-looking devices.

Moreover, were spending increasingly more time on our phones. Just think about how much, shopping has evolved since smartphones. Having immediate access to information makes shopping available anywhere and at any time.

Help your clients understand that their digital and mobile presence is paramount. Help them optimize their pages for mobile and ensure their websites are responsible. Let them know that if they want to increase sales and brand awareness, a high-performance website that loads fast and works flawlessly is a must-have.

By now, its already obvious to everyone that consumers are constantly changing, and so is their behavior. Whether the changes are small or big, consumer trends will always have an impact on how businesses market and how they adapt their strategies. Maybe youre not always going to know what the changes will bring, but youll always be sure that changes are on their way, so make sure you are prepared.