
10 Reasons Why Online Casinos are as big and better than Real Land Based Casinos?

online casinos

Gambling in some form or other has been around for as long as humans have existed on this planet. There is something intrinsically exciting about a wager, a chance, an opportunity that allures people like you and me into risking things increasingly. The regulation, as well as natural evolution of the gambling industry over time, has shaped it into a massive economic marketplace that transcends borders, cultures and any physical boundaries whatsoever.

But with online casinos on the rise, many have debated the legitimacy as well compared the experiences to anything like the real thing. Not only we beg to differ, but we would also like to list a number of reasons, why, based on personal experience, online casinos are even better than the real thing.

1. The comfort of your own home

This for us is the number one reason why online casinos are better. You can play to your heart’s content without ever leaving your house. Unless you have a casino right across the road, there is definitely a travel distance involved. Of course, you have to get dressed accordingly too. You cant simply roulette around in your undies.

If you are out of the country then all the more reason to stay and play indoors, and online, because carrying cash over airport securities can be a real problem if you are a high roller.

Obviously, this also means it is far cheaper as it saves your time, fuel costs, stay and any extra expense youd incur at the casino.

2. Variety

Online Casinos offer a massive variety to play and have fun compared to many land-based casinos, where you are limited by the number of games offered by your casino.

This isnt usually a problem is you are a one-game guy, but as we are talking about the evolution of gambling, there is no reason you shouldnt try out the many new and interesting games which are becoming increasingly popular.

3. Noise!

Unless you belong to the minority who actually enjoys over-the-top chatter and noise, we highly recommend you play online. This way you can listen to your favorite music set the mood according to your tastes and play without slot machine loud noise youd expect at any casino.

There is nothing wrong if you enjoy these sounds, but if you dont, having the familiar noise of your own home around you while you play is actually far more enjoyable.

4. Faster Game Play

Another preference for online casinos is the ability to enjoy more gaming in less time compared to any land-based casino. Regular games like Poker, Blackjack and Roulette are relatively three times faster.

What if you want to play slow? Well, online casinos have got you covered. You can basically decide the pace of the game, in your game settings, which is practically impossible to do in a real-time play.

5. Bonuses!

Another comparative we can draw is the style and the number of bonuses offered by online casinos, compared to land-based ones. If youve come across any online casinos whatsoever, youve seen those flashy offers of sign up bonuses. Well, if you read the terms and conditions carefully, those might be pretty good. You simply dont get the same paybacks and bonuses in land-based casinos compared to online gaming.

6. Play on the Go!

Isnt this great that online casinos not online offer desktop but mobile options as well? Taking gameplay to the next level and making the entire experience mobile. You are not bound even to your desk, you can play anywhere you like. If you are anything like me, this is the perfect way to kill time in commute or when waiting for an appointment. You can play in the toilet if you like, as long as you dont forget to flush.

7. Always a Seat for you

Nobody loves to go to their favorite table to find out that there are no seats. This also happens at popular slot machines and popular games when it tends to get even a little overcrowded.

Thankfully, you never get this problem with online casinos. No matter what your game, youll always find a seat available and waiting for you.

8. No Need to Dress Up

Sometimes you just want to play a few hands with real people without getting out of the house. When the whole point is minimum effort and maximum fun, why wouldnt you want to dress as you please in the comfort of your own home? No one cares if you are playing with them in your underwear, because they cant see you, they can only see the game.

9. The Kitchen is Always Nearby

Compared to the high dining experiences offered by casinos, we find comfort in the fact that when playing online, from home, the kitchen is only a few steps away. Life is so much better with a fridge and kitchen that doesnt overcharge you for anything.

10. No Social Anxiety

Last but not the least, we find it important to mention for people who are not comfortable in crowded places and have any kind of social anxieties, Online Casinos open a whole new world of possibilities for them. The social interaction is minimum and totally up to you in online gambling, so if you just want the gameplay without the social interaction, online casinos may be the best way to go.


If youve read this far, youve probably noticed that weve tried to highlight the ways in which online casinos are better than land-based casinos and not drawn comparatives the other way around. While not everything is better, online casinos definitely offer more variety and more freedom and in some cases, offer a completely new experience that is absent in land-based casinos.

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Image credit: online casinos via cybrain/shutterstock