
The office you want to live in: focus on details


The business community is divided into two camps: one believes that, due to the unstable epidemiological situation in the world, remote work will become the prevailing regime, while others are inclined to think that offices will be alive and well, but only transform into more comfortable spaces.

Well, be that as it may, the working environment is really changing for the better: this is what both managers and subordinates want.

If some 10 years ago the office looked more like a hospital with a gaudy interior, where there was uncomfortable furniture, bulky office equipment and a water cooler, today everything is different. Its a style from Japanese or American to Scandinavian or German.

The interior is richly laced with decorative elements and artwork. It is now not only beautiful but also fun: modern offices have got chill-out zones, bars with professional baristas, sports facilities and homely cosy rooms where you may even sleep.

It doesn’t matter on what principle space is organized: a closed office or an open space – the atmosphere is aimed at creating a positive attitude and increasing productivity.

Smart leaders know that God is in the detail, so they should be given as much attention as the selection of furniture, textiles and lighting. Today we will focus on elements such as door numbers. You will learn how to choose them correctly on your own, what to focus on so that your staff subconsciously wants the best results, and what trends exist in the world of door number signs.

Office colour and productivity

The famous book “Theory of Color” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe appeared long before the creation of conceptual offices, at the beginning of the 20th century. But the principles laid down in the work of the great master are still relevant to this day.

This is proved by numerous experiments and best practices, for example, studies carried out by the Wall Street Journal. They clearly demonstrated that all large and successful companies use the psychology of colour as a tool to deal with employee stress. Office premises are created according to the principle of “employee comfort first”.

And it works, the staff works to be more exact: better, more efficiently, longer. It appeared that, in offices that take into account the wishes of employees regarding the colour range, better results are achieved, and stressful situations are overcome faster.

When choosing door numbers, as well as other interior decorations, consider:

  • blue is the most productive colour, especially for accountants, financiers, and IT developers;
  • orange and yellow – stimulate creative thinking and imagination, push to new ideas, charge with optimism;
  • red – suitable for motivating physical labour, excites and quickly increases productivity;
  • green – needed for balance and peace, a colour that is reassuring, suitable for offices where employees have a long and busy schedule.

Neutral colours: white, black, grey and brown are an addition to other shades. Their advantage lies in their ability to balance and calm the aggressive, but sometimes badly needed temper of other colours.

But there is also another point of view. So the psychologist Angela Wright, in her book The Beginner’s Guide to Colour Psychology, emphasizes the influence on the psycho-emotional state of in no wise the colours themselves, but their intensity.

Therefore, when choosing the door numbers catalogue, do not limit yourself to the standard palette. Contact a company where you will be offered the production of custom-made interior decorations. Trust me, you and your employees will benefit from this approach.

Design and materials of door numbers for respectability

Here is the saying of Mark Levy: “Life never gives us a second opportunity to make a first impression.” Real or potential clients, partners and investors pay attention to their surroundings when they visit your company. Create the right image. Attention is on the details.

What is most often seen by visitors to your office? Of course, door number signs. Choose the design of future numbers, taking into consideration the design that is already available.

For example, in a Scandinavian-style office door numbers made of wood and stainless steel will look great, in a minimalist or high-tech room – pure metal, and in a corporation with an urban design, acrylic numbers are appropriate in the interior.

Ideally, order the production of number plates at the design stage, at least at the decoration stage. In this way, the implemented project will be holistic in the future, it will be possible to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of an imbalance between the main design and additional elements, as well as between individual decor items.

The main thing is to contact trusted companies, where you can choose both ready-made door numbers catalogue, and order manufacturing according to your own sketch. In this case, the office will become a place of strength and career growth for both you and your staff.