
The Mobile Revolution: How Can SEO Help You Optimise For Mobile Content

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Optimising for mobile can be a difficult process, particularly if you do not already have a mobile website. However, by planning in advance and utilising The best wordpress tutorial videos to guide you, you can create a well-functioning website that is fit for both mobile and tablet devices. You can then begin to gain traffic to your site and boost ranking results in the long term. Whether you decide to enlist the help of SEO services or you opt to complete the work in-house, this can all work to boost visibility for your brand and make the process better.

Can Improve Site Speed

SEO has a number of benefits, but by far one of the biggest is the improvement to site speed. With optimised onsite images, refined coding and an https, you can improve the site speed ready for mobile devices. This is key to the success of a company as mobile search traffic has been significantly higher than traditional desktop search for a number of years now and without a mobile version of a site, your rankings will be significantly lower.

Mobile-First Indexing

Since the sudden shift in search on devices, Google has rolled out changes such as Mobile-First Indexing that have led to many seeing significant changes to their ranking position. With Google now looking for a mobile site before a traditional desktop site, any business that does not have both that are fully optimised can suffer in terms of ranking. Therefore, creating a dynamic site that is fit for both desktop and mobile viewing can help to improve rankings and provide your target audience with the best possible website full of all the relevant information that you need.

Local Optimisation

Local SEO has been gaining in popularity in recent years since the implementation of voice search, but how can this help you to optimise for mobile content? Due to the nature of voice search and ‘near me’ keywords, local SEO can help increase the ranking of your website in traditional Google search, but it can also help to ensure that your business appears on Google maps when looking for local businesses. This combined with an optimised Google My Business profile can help to not only increase footfall to your physical store, but also increase online traffic as a result.

Mobile SEO Voice Search

Voice search is now making search terms more conversational than ever which can present a number of issues for your business. With content that is no longer optimised, this can begin to negatively affect rankings. However, by implementing long-tail keywords and a more conversational approach to writing content, you are likely to see an increase in the success of the content and traffic building to your site. Though it will take time for the content to be indexed and begin ranking, this will help to optimise your website to cater to mobile searches as well as searches on a smart device such as the Google Home and Amazon devices.

With this in mind, it has never been more important to optimise your website for the best possible results. Whether you are looking to begin the optimisation process in the near future or you are looking to start 2020 off with a new SEO strategy, you can be sure to see outstanding results when optimising for both mobile and desktop searches.