
Sugar Wax: Benefits And DIY Sugar Wax At Home

Waxing is no womans time pass. It is painful still she has to bear the pain because no women can wear shorts or even knee length or sleeveless or even short sleeve dresses in public with her unattractive, unsightly and embarrassing hairy legs and hands.

Shaving is also a technique to get rid of unwanted hairs, but when compared to waxing, shaving is a better option as it exfoliates skin, removes hair from the root and gives you smooth skin allowing you to remain hair free for long.

The only downside of waxing in comparison to shaving is that you have to bear the pain and if you have sensitive skin there may be rashes, temporary bumps, bleeding, sun sensitivity or allergic reactions along with inevitable pain.

In comparison to regular waxing, sugar waxing is little different. It is not much painful and is also easy to clean.

Difference Between Regular Waxing And Sugar Waxing

Regular waxing uses wax that is made from tree products and resins to remove hair. It is available in two consistency hard and soft. Hard wax is applied to the skin, and then the edge of the wax is gripped and removed. Soft wax is applied to the area from where you want to remove hair and then a waxing strip is pressed over the applied wax and pulled off to remove hair.

Sugar waxing is nothing new. It is one of the popular hair removal procedure that has been used since ages to get rid of unwanted hair. The only things required are lemon, white sugar and water and you may not even need waxing strips.

Sugar paste for waxing is readily available in the market. You can also make it at home easily.

Comparison Between Regular Waxing And Sugar Waxing

Regular wax contains chemicals, preservatives, additives and essential oil and so there are changes of allergic reactions and irritation.

Sugar wax contains natural ingredients; sugar and lemon water. Lemon juice is rich in vitaminC. It deeply nourishes the skin, fights bacteria and prevents break out. Also, lemon juice is a natural exfoliator and removes the dead skin cells.Sugar moisturizes andgently exfoliates the skin to render you supple and soft skin.

Sugar wax quickly dissolves in warm water and is very easy to remove. It does not require any post-wax oil treatment and can be simply washed off with water.

One more advantage of sugar wax is that it is warm when it is applied and is removed when it slightly cools. Thus, there is no chance that you will ever burn your skin. It doesnt rip your skin off and is suitable even for sensitive skin. Sugary paste does not stick to your skin. It only grabs the hair and when pulled off removes the hair. But regular waxing along with the hair also grabs the skin and when pulled off, it waxes off skin along with hair. This is why regular wax is more painful.

If the above reasons are not enough, we have one more point in favor of sugar wax that it is cheap.

If we compare which one will last longer regular wax or sugary one than the fact is both lasts almost for the same duration and depends on how fast is your hair growth. In general, waxings lasts for around two weeks, and then new hair growth begins.

How to Make Sugar Paste For waxing

Things Needed

  • Sugar- 1 cup
  • Water- one-third cup
  • Fresh Lemon Juice- A half cup
  • Small pan

The very first step is to pour sugar in a pan and add water and lemon juice to it. Turn on the heat. Keep flame high and stir. Bring the ingredients to boil. When you start seeing the bubbles, reduce the heat to medium flame. Keep on stirring continuously. When golden colour appears, turn off the heat.

Now take a spoon of sugar wax and test its consistency by putting it in fridge. Wax should be thicker than honey when cooled down and you must be able to put your hand in it and roll it. But if even after cooling it is sticky and runny bring it back to the medium heat for a few more minutes and then test again. Once right consistency is reached, empty the sugary wax in a bowl and leave it to cool down for half an hour.

You can make sugar paste hard that is applied to the skin and removed by gripping the edge of the paste or undercook the sugary paste to make it soft wax which after applying to the skin is removed with the help of a cotton muslin cloth or disposable wax strip.

How To Apply Sugar Wax

First of all wash and dry your skin that is to be waxed. Sugar wax should be applied warm with the help of a spoon or butter knife or small spatula to achieve thin and even spread. When it cools down on your skin, hold your skin tight and remove it. Other waxes are applied in the hair growth direction and removed by pulling wax or wax strip against the hair growth. Sugar wax is applied against the direction of hair growth and is removed with the direction of hair growth.

After you, are done with waxing, rinse the area with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer.

Waxing Tips

  • Apply baby powder to your skin to absorb moisture prior waxing.
  • With your hands apply pressure to the waxed area to ease the pain.
  • If you want to remove residue wax from your skin run it under warm water until sugar wax dissolves.
  • Getting a salt water bath after waxing help to detoxify your skin and prevent ingrown hairs and infection.
  • Soak the bowl and pain in water until wax dissolves to clean them.

A Word Of Caution

Sugar wax works best to remove hair from back, legs and chest as these areas have softer hair. Before you use it on underarms and bikini area where hair is coarse better test a small area first. Even for upper lips, we advise you to test first.

After getting waxed, avoid additional exfoliation, sauna and hot water. Also, avoid tanning for a few days.

We have broken down almost all information regarding sugar wax. It is suitable even for sensitive and acne prone skin but at the end, it’s your personal choice and preference that matters to decide whether to choose sugar wax or go with regular waxing.