
How to Increase Fertility In Women

Having trouble to conceive?

Dont get confused or scared, be positive and focus on natural ways to increase fertility in women. 

To increase your chances to conceive you need to pay attention to your sex life and have a healthy lifestyle. The first step to increase fertility in women should always be to follow a fertility diet.

What Is Fertility diet

Every year, thousands of diet plans are suggested. Most of the diet plans are focused on weight loss or all over health. In this article, we recommend a diet plan with a specific goal to increase female fertility.

The fertility diet is not a new concept. Researchers have found that intake of specific vitamins and mineral such as vitamin B12, folic acid omega 3 fatty acid and following the Mediterranean diet has a positive effect on female fertility. On the other hand, processed food, junk foods, foods high in glycemic index and trans fat have an adverse impact on fertility. Soy products, alcohol, caffeine and dairy has little or no effect on productivity.

Recent studies show that couples who consume seafood get pregnant easily in comparison to those who consume little or no seafood. Also, female who eats little fruit or vegetable and consume more fast food took longer getting pregnant.

A fertility diet includes foods that are rich in fertility boosting nutrients. There are certain nutrients that play essential role in mainatining the health of reproductive organs such as:

Vitamin B– Vitamin B supports the function of ovaries and also avoid miscarriage. Folic acid is essential to avoid a neural congenital disability in developing babies.

Vitamin D– Vitamin D treats PCOS, uterine and other fertility impairment in females and also improves semen parameters in males.

Vitamin C- Vitamin C encourages the absorption of progesterone and also helps in treating luteal phase defects. Low level of vitamin C negatively effects the balance of female hormones.

Vitamin E– In females vitamin E boosts the quality of egg and in males improves the sperm health.

Iron-The chances of ovulatory infertility is decreased by the intake of iron.

Omega 3 fatty acids– Omega three fatty acids increases the flow of blood to the uterus.

Beta-carotene– Regulates hormone.

To get nutrients that boost fertility it is preferred to add foods rich in them in your diet rather than taking concentrated supplements.

To support the reproductive system, regulate ovulation, balance the level of hormones, improve the quality of eggs and increase the chance of conception include foods rich in the above mentioned nutrients and antioxidant in your diet.

Foods To Increase Fertility In Women

  1. Green Leafy vegetables- Add green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach etc. to your diet as they are rich in folic acid, vitamin B, iron and calcium. Green leafy vegetables improve hormonal regulation and prevent genetic abnormalities and miscarriage in pregnant women.
  2. Orange Juice and Grapefruit- Both orange juice and grape fruit is rich in polyamine putrescine that imporves the health of egg. Also in males it imrpoves the semen health. A study on rats show that the compound polyamine putescine helps in mantaining the chromosomal integrity of both sperm and egg cells. Also, both orange juice and grapefruit is rich in vitamin C.

*If you are taking certain medcations consult your physician before inlcuding grapefruit in your diet as grapefruit may increase the effect of medications.

3. Full-fat Dairy Products- A study at Harvard found that females who ate full-fat dairy products experience less problems with ovulation. Include one serving of full-fat dairy product such as whole milk, full-fat yoghurt or cheese in your diet. However, make sure not to exceed the recommemeded daily calorie intake.

4. Beans and Lentils– Beans and lentils are rich source of protein. Females who prefer getting protein from plant sources than animal source are less likely to experience problems related to ovulation. Lentils are rich in polyamine spermidine that aids fertilization of egg and in men it improves the sperm count and health. Beand and lentils are rich source of folic acids that are essential for healthy embryos and for conception and also contain fibres that balances hormones.

5. Cooked Asparagus– Asparagus is packed with fertility boosting nutrients and is low in calorie. A cup of asparagus will give you 60% daily recommended dose of folate, daily volume of vitamin K, 16% daily recommeneded amount of selenium and 8% daily value of zinc. Also, asparagus is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and thiamin.

* Fresh or even frozen asparagus is preferred. Avoid canned asparagus.

6. Cinnamon- One of the common cause of infertility in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome which is associated with insulin resistance. Cinnamon reduces the level of blood glucose, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. A study done on 45 females with pcos showed menstrual regularity and improved ovulation after taking cinnamon suplements for 6 months. To get cinnamon in your diet sprinkle it on yoghurt, tea, coffee and oatmeals.

7. Wild Caught Salmon- Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and selenium. All three are reproductive nutrients that improves fertility in both men and women. Wild caught salmon is preferred as it is low in toxins. Make smoked salmon a regular part of your weekly meals.

8. Egg– Egg is a good source of vitamin B, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Also, it is a rich source of protein. A few studies also have found that choline present in egg reduces the birth defects.

*The nutrients present in egg yolk is required to boost fertility so do not throw it away. Cut calories some where else to mainatain or loose weight.

9. Avocados– Avocados is high in monosaturated fats that boosts the health of egg and maintains the health of reproductive system.  Toss avocado in salads sandwiches or you can consume it as a spread or dip.

9. Dry fruits and nuts- Dry fruits and nuts are rich source of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Brazil nuts are rich source of selenium that abates the chromosomal damage in the eggs and allows better production of eggs. Include a handful of nuts and dry fruits as a snack between meals or in your breakfast.

10. Seasame seeds–  Seasame seeds are rich in zinc that promotes the production of hormones and also is respnosible for healthy eggs. These seeds are also rich in monosaturated fats. Add seasame seeds to salads and cereals. You may also eat roasted seasame seeds with jaggery.

11. Maca root- Maca roots are rich in about 60  phytonutrients that improves the egg health and also incraeses sprem count and quality. Maca root increases libido and also stabilizes the level of hormones. You can add macca root powder to smoothies. Also, maca root capsules are available that can be taken after consulting your gynecologist.

Including fertility food in your daily diet will work only when you shift to entirely to healthy eating. Over-all healthy eating is key to good health and over-all good health is needed to protect fertility.

To maximize your chances of healthy pregnancy follow the tips mentioned below:

  • If you are obese try to get back to a healthy weight by following an exercise and weight loss regimen.
  • Avoid excessive vitamin A before pregnancy. Excess vitamin A is bad for developing fetus.
  • Visit your doctor for a complete check up and to review what step you need to take to optimise the chances of pregnancy. Your doctor may prescribe prenatal vitamins. If you are taking certain medication that may be harmful for developing fetus your doctor may ask you to stop them or suggest alternative medication.
  • Do not start or stop any medication without consulting your doctor.
  • Say no to junk and process foods.
  •  Do not forget to keep yourself  hydrated by drinking at least 9-10 glasses water a day.