
Where to find ideas for new posts on your blog – 5 secrets of regular blogging


Wake up your muse and sit down to write! How to keep up your blog?
To make your faithful readers fresh enthusiastic, first, you have to warm up your own interest and curiosity steadily. In this article, we’ll consider a couple of practical secrets on how to do this.

1. Write down your idea straight after it came to your mind

For your own convenience, it is best to keep a list of ideas, because, as practice shows, exciting ideas appear at the most unexpected moment, they never come in a big company, they are hard to find when you need them and disappear without a trace if they are not written down. Conclusion – if you got an idea, catch it immediately. The list helps to procrastinate less concerning what to write about. And from the prearranged menu you can choose a theme that is already more thought out, to which you already have a photo, to which there is already a draft, which is shorter, which corresponds to your mood, etc.

2. Regularly create a blog’s editorial calendar

Determine for yourself how frequently do you plan to publish news on the page and try to follow this schedule. Take a list of topics, a calendar and arrange topics on the calendar. This planning adds discipline, and without it, you cannot do in any successful business. Also, the discipline is more stable than motivation. If there is no mood to write, then you just have to sit down at the laptop or pick up a notebook, and then you will see that the appetite comes with eating.

3. Write about your life

Even if you have a specialized business blog, do not be afraid to talk more about your life. Of course, everything will depend very much on the specifics of the private page and your framework, what kind of personal experience you are willing to share. But after all, the roots of the blog still lie in personal diaries, and readers like to learn a little bit more about who stays behind this webpage, to see a bit of “backstage” of your life or your project.

4. Answer the questions

The more vividly and dynamically the article is written, the more actions you will get a feedback from readers in the form of questions and discussions. The increasing activity of your audience is a sign that the idea is exciting and it can be continued to develop in the next article, and even create a separate rubric. If you have seen a question about where to buy essay online for cheap, you can search and create a list of potentially useful sources. If there are no questions, ask them by yourself. Take an interest in your subscribers, what information would be helpful for them or watch the behavior of your audience without voicing a question. Those who seek will find.

5. To be a writer, be a reader

When you have a deficiency of the ideas for your new notes, one of the best things you can do is to wander through the blogs of authors with the same topic as your resource, or to related topics. Just take a walk through their resources and pay attention to what they were talking and writing about recently. Inspecting the materials of others, you will be able to gain enough of your own ideas for new notes.