
SEO Definition – What is SEO And How Does it Work

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What Is SEO?

SEO is a short form of Search engine optimization; that means to optimize a web page or website in a manner to get more visitors from search engines without paying them. The unpaid traffic is also called organic or natural traffic.

Search engines show different kind of content: web, images, videos and more. To receive traffic from these results, you need to appear higher in search results. The higher you appear, the more traffic you will receive to your website.

If you are new to SEO, I recommend seeing a quick video that explains about search engine optimization or SEOdefinition.

A way of optimizing in SEO is by knowing how search engines work, what people write in search engines and which search engines people use. Knowing all of this will help you make an SEO strategy.

SEO majorly revolves around two aspects; one is On-Page SEO, and other is Off-Page SEO. Optimization done on a web page may involve some technical knowledge of HTML and related code.

Editing content of web page is another job that is done while doing On-Page SEO. For Off-Page Optimization, you need to create backlinks.

From a very early stage in the 1990s, SEO got its name and people used several ways: both white-hat and black-hat methods to rank in search engines.

SEO definition and types

People use to stuff keywords to manipulate search engines at that time, resulting in banning few major publications. Search engines like Alta-vista changed their algorithm to fight such black hat methods.

As the time has progressed, search engines have evolved and today the biggest search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing has several factors to rank a website in search results. These factors have made SEO to be tough and competitive.

Also see – How To Improve Your SEO With Wix SEO Wiz

Google being the most popular search engine has changed the way SEO works. Some people from SEO industry calls it the Google SEO.

SEO nowadays has become highly competitive due to a large number of people are writing and submitting content in all forms (text, pictures and videos.) This has made it difficult for beginners to rank a new website in first few pages of search results.

SEO industry is one of the biggest industry right now, and there are many job opportunities in it.

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