
SEO – 7 Practices That Are No Longer Effective

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As Google changes so does the SEO world. Also realize that our public is much more sophisticated than previous generations. It is important for people who want to leverage their marketing to understand what is changing and why. It could be a mind shift for many.

A Multitude of Keywords Is no Longer King

When designing any text for the internet, you used to crowd as many single keywords into the text as possible. Sometimes even to the detriment of understanding. Now that Google is parsing text instead of just counting keywords, the technique of using a multitude of keywords is no longer effective. Parsing text has an element of artificial intelligence to it. What Google is doing is trying to understand the deeper meaning of the text or is looking for the intention of what is being said. So instead of using text such as car, 2018, assist, driver, safety, features, brake, emergency, emergency, braking, forward, in a segmented way, it is far better to use the same vocabulary in a natural flowing context, linking the ideas to the intention. To answer the intent of the search What new car has driver assist and forward emergency braking? All of the cars at XYZ dealership have amazing safety features such as driver assistance as well as forward looking emergency stop functions.

What Google is doing is that it is noting the click signals and using these to rank websites. The more clicks, the higher the rating on one of its scales. So concentrate on drawing clicks from the user not just getting the user to your site with a long list of words related to your product or business.

Directories, Paid Links vs Social Links – What Works?

Hands down, socially imbedded links work. Concentrate your time on infusing your products, services and knowledge on social sites. Move away from the catalogues or directories or any site that collect funds to add you to their list. Why? Social networks are more authentic. What is even more devastating is that Google penalizes this practice of a link to a paid site.

Keyword Domain Names No

For your public to return you, it is important that your name makes sense and is easy to remember. So anything such as decoratorsinterior.com is not intuitive and therefore not valuable to building those clicks. Much better would be interiordecoratorsXYZcity.com or any name that would make sense and is closer to the way we speak. Yes, the multiple keyword domain names have some value but not enough to override their awkwardness. On great strategy to improve your own site is to look at top rated sites. Analyze their features and make them your own.

Now you are punished for Internal Links that use Anchor Text

For a number of years internal links with those keywords were effective. But the technique has been over rated and now Google may even be penalizing your site, especially if the internal links are more for search engine optimization and not aimed at helping your clients find what they want. Concentrate on the number of click through within your site. Use links that will draw the user into your content. For an interior designer you might want to achieve more clicks by optimizing the way your site can be viewed such as by rooms, by products, by examples of finished rooms and so on. The users will remain on your site to gather information in a way that makes sense to them.

Many Pages with the similar Keywords but not adding Value for the User

Repetition works. At least it did up until recently. What worked before was having multiple similar pages with keywords that were related. Using interior decorating as an example that could mean pages that with keywords such as kitchens, dining in elegance and you are the chef all pointing to the identical or similar information. Now that Google has become more sophisticated in its techniques for ranking, this multiple page approach no longer gets results. Hummingbird and RankBrain analyze what is on the internet in a new way. So reduce the number of pages to one and imbed the same vocabulary into your content.

Flashy but Insubstantial Draws

Following in the tradition of other media advertising, some developers use techniques that draw attention but do not add value to the user. The attractive people approach did work in another time, but now the user is generally trying to locate information and has the choice to move on. So instead of using sex appeal try to place attractive information into the context of your enterprise. For the interior decorator, concentrate on the appeal of your designs and do not worry about adding that stunning model to draw initial attention. In fact, that technique is likely to take the center of focus away from your intention- how useful, yet attractive a new kitchen can be. Build content, not flash.

Redundant Sites for the Same Content

Once again repetition used to work. Not so any more. If you are using several sites all leading back to the same information, you will be penalized by Google. For example sites such as interior decorator.com decorators for your interior, interiordecoratorsrus.com that are really 3 interrelated sites will not triple your rating. It is much more effective to stick to one site. If you are still using this as a technique you are essentially splitting up your ranking into three. The three sites do not benefit each other. Instead, concentrate on building one site that holds all of the rich information to maximize your ranking.

It is important to understand that Google and its ranking schema will continue to evolve. Keeping an eye on what is working is critical to the success of your sites. Make that mind shift happen using these seven guidelines.

If you want to read more interesting post written by David R. Stewart on how Google is always changing the way they rank webpages, Please check Killer content writers.